Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Collage evaluation

At first I could not think of what i wanted to make my collage about. I noticed that many people in my class we're doing their collages about family or friends, so I didn't want to do that topic. I then began to think about what I find most important to me, and the first thing that came into my head was respect. I was taught to always respect everyone in your life, because to gain respect you have to be respectful. I chose several photos not of myself, but of people doing things that are respectful. I chose images such as two bikers finishing a race together or two interracial people shaking hands to show that respect is everywhere and that many people show respect, and everyone should be respectful. I then chose personal pictures that I believe are of me showing respect or being respectful in some way. I chose a picture of my girlfriend and I walking together during my prom. I chose this picture because I believe that that photo shows the respect I have for all women, and that fact that I believe that everyone should show respect for women. I also chose a picture of me about to shake hands with the superintendent of my high school last year. I believe this photo shows how I respect my elders, especially someone that is in a high school position as he was. I put a picture of my family to show how much i respect my family, especially my mother and father for raising me to be who I am today. I believe that everyone should be respectful, because that is the only way that you will be able to gain respect.

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