Monday, April 14, 2014

This Is How We Live response

I found Ellen DeGeneres' article to be very comical, but everything she said in the essay was true. This article was easy to read because Ellen was joking around about many pieces of technology that I use everyday, such as the cellphone or the toilet that flushes automatically. Ellen explains that she thinks technology has made people lazier, and I agree with what she says. Technology has allowed us to get everyday activities done quicker and more efficiently. But it has also made us lazier and forced us to rely on the technology to get things done. It has made us resent the whole process of doing activities, and causes us to search for shortcuts or quicker ways of doings things, just because technology is usually there to do it for us. For example, the automated faucet. This sink senses your hands and gives you the amount of water it thinks you need. Although the process of simply turning a handle on to wash your hands and then turn it off if is pretty simple and almost all humans can do that without any effort, technology has stepped in and took away this process in many bathrooms around the world. That extra second of turning the handles on an off have been replaced by technology, just because humans are lazy and want the easiest way to do things. Technology will just keep getting better and better as time goes on, and that means that activities will become easier to do, which means that people will continue to become lazier and lazier.